Meeanee Firewood is a locally owned and operated firewood business providing a quality product at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on honesty and integrity and ensure the customers' requirements are met.

Orders can be placed by the following:-

Payment options:-

  • Internet banking (prior to delivery)
  • Mobile eftpos machine 
  • Cash on delivery  

WINZ quotes:  If you require a quote can you please refer your Case Manager to our website where all prices of our firewood are provided.



Pine produces a good heat and is a quick burning wood.

Delivery is $20.00 per order within Napier / Hastings / Havelock North area.



1 bin -   $117.50
2 bins - $235
3 bins - $352.50
4 bins (1 cord)  - $470

Macrocarpa - Sold Out

Medium burning firewood. Has a reasonably long burning time with a good heat output.  Burns clean which helps keep the flue clean. Not suitable for open fires as macrocarpa sparks.

Delivery is $20.00 per order within Napier / Hastings / Havelock North area.


1 bin -    $140
2 bins -  $280
3 bins -  $420
4 bins (1 cord) - $560

Gum (no silt)

This gum has no silt.

Heavy hardwood. Gum is an extremely slow burning wood, it burns very hot providing maximum heat output. It is clean burning and suitable for both open fires, log burners Pyroclassic fires and pizza ovens.

Our gum is a mixture of red, blue and white gum.

Pricing for clean gum:-

1 bin - $160
2 bins - $320
3 bins - $480
4 bins (1 cord) - $640

Delivery is $20.00 per order within Napier / Hastings / Havelock North area.


* Quantity Select:


Gum (Silt) - Limited Stock Available

We have gum that has silt on it availble.

Please ask us more information about this wood with silt on, by email, phone or check it out on facebook.

Heavy hardwood. Gum is an extremely slow burning wood, it burns very hot providing maximum heat output. It is clean burning and suitable for both open fires, log burners Pyroclassic fires and pizza ovens.

Our gum is a mixture of red, blue and white gum.

Price reduced for silt gum:-

1 bin - $120
2 bins - $240
3 bins - $360
4 bins (1 cord) - $480

Delivery is $20.00 per order within Napier / Hastings / Havelock North area.

Please make contact to find out more about the gum with sillt.


* Quantity Select:



Our kindling is now random off cuts from our splitter (sizes will vary) 

Our bags are large oinion bags approximately 46 X 81cm 


1 bag -   $15
2 bags - $30
3 bags - $45
4 bags - $60


* Quantity Select: